ICTr-CE - Innovative participatory sustainable business model for cycling along the Iron Curtain Trail – Central Europe
- Westpannon Regional and Economic Development Public Nonprofit Ltd., Ungarn
- CROST Regional Development Nonprofit Kft, Ungarn
- Iskriva, Institute for Development of Local Potentials, Slowenien
- University of Primorska, Slowenien
- Trail Angels GmbH, Österreich
- Public benefit company Partnerstvi, Tschechien
- City of Gdańsk, Polen
- Ekopolis Foundation, Slowakei
- European Cyclists’ Federation, Belgien
- Koprivnica Križevci County, Kroatien
- Ökologischer Tourismus in Europa, Deutschland
Associated partners are:
- Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Österreich
- Institute for Tourism and Development Lendava, Slowenien
- Global Sustainable Tourism Council, USA
- Marshal Office of the Region of Pomorskie, Polen
- Polish Tourism Organisation, Polen
- Croatian National Tourist Board, Kroatien
- Austrian National Tourist Office, Österreich
- Ministry of Tourism and Sport of the Republic of Croatia, Kroatien
- Centre for Development of Active and Ecotourism Nonprofit Ltd., Ungarn
- Bratislava Region Tourism - Destination Management Organisation, Slowakei
- Gdańsk Tourism Organisation, Polen
- EuroNatur, Deutschland
Für mehr Informationen, siehe die Projektwebseite auf www.interreg-central.eu/projects/ictr-ce